Action Alert: AB 884 and SB 145 hearing on April 9 [4/8 UPDATE]

4/9/19 UPDATE: the Assembly Public Safety Committee–which will still be hearing AB 884 at 10:00 am on 4/9–announced they are changing the room number to Room 4202.

4/4/19 UPDATE: the Senate Public Safety Committee–which will be hearing SB 145–announced they are meeting at 8:30 am. That means we will meet at Starbucks from 7:30 am to 8:00 and walk over at 8:00.

Both the SB 145 and AB 884 hearings are still meeting on April 9. The Assembly Public Safety Committee–which will be hearing AB 884–is still after 10:00 am.

We have a new service that you will love! Tell us you are planning on showing up by sending an email with your name and phone to, then we will call you on your phone if any last-minute rescheduling occurs.


This is the biggest battle of the year! Since AB 884 was just rescheduled for April 9, that means we will be fighting AB 884 the same day we are supporting SB 145!

We have all felt the inconvenience and frustration of broken plans as these bills have been rescheduled.

BUT this is normal for how bills are made. If we want positive change, we must be willing to sacrifice and be inconvenienced. The alternative is terrible indeed.

PLEASE SHOW UP ON APRIL 9. Yes, that means YOU: registrants, family members, and other support. I cannot overstress how vital your participation is. Don’t assume others will show up. Out of the over 110,000 on the registry, only a small number will show up. That is you and the rest of us who want change!

Hiding, denial, and refusing to break our routines could result in over 40,000 registrants serving a life sentence on the registry if AB 884 passes!

Even if you are not affected by these bills, we need you to be willing to be inconvenienced for our fellow registrants, knowing that they will support our issues when the time comes!

For maximum impact to fight AB 884 and support SB 145, we need over 100 people to show up!

SB 145 will be heard after 8:30 am [ON 4/4 THEY MOVED IT 1/2 HOUR EARLIER–ORIGINALLY 9AM]
Senate Public Safety Committee
Room 3191
California State Capitol building, NEW wing

We will meet at Starbucks, 1123 12th St, Sacramento, from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. Then we will walk across the street at 8:00 and be seated in Room 3191 by 8:30.

PARKING: There is a parking garage next to Starbucks in the same Hyatt Regency building. Enter on 12th Street.

The hearing for AB 884 will be after 10:00 am:
Assembly Public Safety Committee
Room 4202 [changed on 4/8/19]
California State Capitol building, NEW wing

We will be monitoring the status of AB 884 as we sit in the SB 145 hearing. We will change rooms as needed.

We have a new service that you will love! Tell us you are planning on showing up by sending an email with your name and phone to, then we will call you on your phone if any last-minute rescheduling occurs.

CARPOOLS AND HOUSING SERVICE: To help those who will be hit financially by sacrificing to come for the hearing, click here to find out how to get carpools and free motel rooms.

Keep calling and writing. It makes a big difference. They count your calls and letters, as you noticed in the bill.


We will call you at your phone number if the bill is delayed! To take advantage of this very cool service, all you have to do is send an email to the following email address to let us know your name and phone number:

Be sure to sign up for our Action Alert emails or texts so that we can notify you of any last-minute changes!

If you plan to fly or take a hotel, please buy insurance so that you are covered if they change the date.

Please don’t blame ACSOL if a change is made. We don’t control the committees. We don’t control the author of the bill.

Before you start out on your trip, check your email or text to see if we sent an alert about the date changing! You can also to see if the bill is delayed by going to this website and clicking the History tab:



Click here to find out how to call and write to OPPOSE AB 884

Click here to find out how to call and write to SUPPORT SB 145


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today’s hearing is still not and has never been listed on the calendar for ab 884. why this secrecy? how can i be expected to participate in the democratic process??? is that reason to dismiss it?

Man if this is true, “the average child molester has 200 hundred victims?” then their policies are incredible miserable failures. That is what needs to be stated when they mouth stats like this with no empirical evidence.

Should state, “so if your laws are so effective why would this rate be that high? How are these laws that you have been pushing and which many nave been in place for decades now, not reducing or preventing these 200/offender kids from being victims. Let us see, if there are 1 million people on the reg and at least half or more are convicted “child molesters” then damn that means that 100 million kids are becoming victims from these offenders. I highly doubt it and it seems totally insane that you re claiming that 100 million kids have been molested no matter how far you stretch your numbers. Is that number for the US? Hmmm our population is 330 million approx. Man that means that a third of the populace has been molested? All this with extreme and harsh sex offenders laws in place for decades and only getting more harsh. Interesting theory Miss Melendez” or what ever her name is.

“being punished harsher than a person who molests a young child.”
Man I need a citation or evidence of this statement and if there are any more out there from CA politicians.

The Assembly’s Public Safety Committee reconvened its hearing about 6 p.m. We are expecting the Committee to complete voting on all bills that have incomplete votes such as AB 884 before they adjourn tonight. In order to pass, a total of 5 members of the Committee must vote in favor of that bill. So far, 3 members have voted in favor and 2 have voted in opposition. There are 3 more votes that must still be cast. Although it is not a guarantee, the fact that the Committee Chairman, a Democrat, voted against the bill, it is more likely than not that the remaining members who are all Democrats will also vote against the bill. We will continue to follow the hearing and to report the outcome via email, text and website as soon as we have that information.

Ab 884 fails, great job everyone

6:53 pm. Measure fails 3:4 – one person not voting. Written reconsideration granted by unanimous consent. What does that mean?

This is like a bad Stephen King Movie with the rabid St. Bernard refusing to die…

Yes!!!! It failed!!! Thank you to everyone who attended, wrote letters and made phone calls.

You people do realize that people can comment straight at the author of the bill right?

It appears she has no co-authors at all and this is all Melendez’s push.

What an honor to be with you all today. I was so proud of the people stepping up to the microphone.
Thanks to Roger who held the ACSOL sign most of the day and was engaging and informative.
What a quaint legislative process!

Now we have get ready for Ms. Melendez’s wave, again, next year. Congratulation, this time.